Mark Baines ‘Edison’ part for Lost Art

With full parts, footage and clips  in Mixed Media, Anthems, Through the Eyes of Ruby, a 411VM Wheels of Fortune, WFTW, Lost and Found, Hating Life,  DVS Vid, MFWTCB, Story True Love, Fabric Vid, E’s and Wizz part for NB#, Steady part,  a previous part for Lost Art and now this “EDISON” part it’s impossible to question Mark’s body of work or his influence on skateboarding and skateboarders for decades. Lost Art’s team roster reads like a who’s who of rad as fuck individuals but for me one name stands head and shoulders above them all: ‘Mark Baines’. My friend and inspiration… Keep pushing positivity mate and here’s to the next part!   -Mackey

Filming: Myles Rushforth

Editing: Josh Hallett