As you’ve probably noticed by now, over the course of the last couple of years we’ve become pretty obsessed with anything relating Lucas Marques and his crew of friends from Ribeirão Preto, in Brazil. I don’t know if it’s the inviting warm palette of those dusty roads or even how with every single release we get introduced to someone we can’t believe we’d never heard of – in this case Rodrigo de Souza, the tall tech dude with the Rob Welsh /Ross Norman-esque flow – but yeah, we basically can’t get enough these guys. And this new one, which was almost entirely filmed/edited in their hometown by Lucas himself (with the support of their local skate shop MKD) is filled to the brim with little nuggets of finesse… Like how often do you see regular heel flip front tails? Especially back to regs… And done like that?! Or even that shuvit manual impossible where Lucas’ feet stay anchored in the same position all the way until he rides off the curb… There’s just so much good shit in there. Also I’ve been instructed to mention that this video was a way for them to express the love and friendship they’ve shared through skateboarding. I’m sure that’ll be pretty obvious to anyone who presses play (or even just sees the thumbnail) but there you go 🙂

Special thanks to: MKD, CPTMAFIA and Bruno Rocha for filming the Tallys Jr’s little Barca section.

Featuring: Lucas Marques, Leonardo Fávaro, Cristofer Silva, Leonardo Adrian, Rodrigo de Souza, Leonardo Bibiano, Claudio Junio, Matheus Lima, Bruno Prado, Wellington Oliveira, Tallys Junior, Joao Pedro, Gabriel Sorriso, Pedro Gonçalves, Sergio Pacifico, Alexandre Medina, Akira Utida, Felipe De Carvalho, Rafael Reis and Tallys Marcos.