Jacopo Carozzi Baker Pro Part Raw Cuts
As you may have noticed we’re not usually the biggest fans of ‘Rough Cuts’, ‘Raw Cuts’ or whatever you want to call them. It’s bad enough that every ‘magazine’ (we’re as guilty as anyone here) bleeds every part dry by posting half the tricks on the ‘gram the second they go up, releasing the whole thing again just a few months after with footage that was purposefully left out tends to feel a bit like overkill… If the skaters/filmers/editors intended for the footage to be presented in a certain way, why not let it exist like that for a bit? And who knows, if in a few years there’s still interest in unearthing stuff from it that got left on the cutting room floor, you might even be looking at a Girl / Chocolate DVD Boxset situation where releasing the extras suddenly means 10 times more to the fans that it ever would have then.
But then obviously there’s situations like this one where you get sent something and you simply can’t say no. Would this raw footage of Jacopo nollie flipping in and out of the Centrale pop out ledge with a mask wrapped around his elbow feel even more magical in 10 years? Hard to say. Possibly. Yet we were so overwhelmed by the feeling of ‘okay this needs to be archived’ that we didn’t think twice. Just seeing him sessioning the ledge over the grate, playfully improvising tricks that could be in most people’s video parts as he’s trying to get whatever he thinks is actually worthy is priceless. Same with being able to make out that before the nollie back heel in that first line what he’s saying is ‘Mandy!’. I love the footage of JB’s Freedom Fries HDV shoulder check as much as anyone else but you have to admit there’s something very cool about Jacopo managing to recognise and calmly ask someone by name to move out of the way mid-line. Especially as he’d apparently not been landing the second trick for hours…
It’s also worth mentioning – to truly get an idea of just how much work went into this project – that all this isn’t even everything; it’s just Nico Tavella’s footage (Jon Wolf and others also contributed a bunch of clips).