MAGENTAPES – Jimmy Lannon

Quick feet, effortless spring and composure – that’s what comes to mind when I think of Jimmy’s skating. Just maximum, unshakable, composure. At all times. Not enough space to shuffle his feet between quickly nollieing down then up three stairs? No problem, he just remains locked in crouching tiger attack mode between the two sets. Uh oh, veering dangerously close to a ledge as he lands a glorious switch frontside flip? Same shit: the man could not look more in control of the situation. One relaxed push off the ledge and he’s safely gliding towards the next obstacle, ready to pounce.
So yeah long story short, the magic we discovered growing up watching the Westside Skateshop videos is still very much intact, and continues to bring us a lot of joy 🙂

Filmed by Stephen Buggica (who also edited it) and Marshall Nicolson for Magenta‘s new full length: MAGENTAPES.