Last Resort AB – Alv’s Angels
Pontus Alv’s skater-owned, independent footwear venture started out in 2020 as an alternative to all the larger corporate brands that have for years now dominated the market. To some at the time it felt like a bit of a gamble, to others it was just something we desperately needed… Either way 2 years on Last Resort AB is going strong, with shoes on the walls of any half-decent SOS, a team built almost exclusively of styles so distinctive you’d think they were computer generated for @useless_wooden_knowledge’s silhouette guessing game, and here we are proudly introducing their first proper bit of video output by the one and only Daniel Dent, which comes complete with our favourite Mango part to date!
Alv’s Angels features Chris Milic, Jesse Alba, Pontus Alv, Nick Rios, Dane Brady, Aaron Loreth, Ludvig Håkansson, Billy Trick, Jesse Alba and David Stenström.
Thumbnail image by Kris Burkhardt.