Turcsik Viktor in Uccsó
This is Turcsik Viktor, aka Töri, and we’re proud to present his part from the Rios Crew’s forthcoming video “Uccsó”. If you’re unfamiliar with the Rios Crew, they’re a tight knit group of skaters from Budapest who’ve been putting out edits for years by combing through the Hungarian capital for every nook and cranny to see what’s skateable. The crew’s tenacity has resulted in some of the purest, creative skating coming out of Europe. Watch Töri’s part and keep your eyes peeled for the full Uccsó edit coming out this Friday.
Video by B. Bence
Drawings by Bárány Lili @baranylilo , Santex @insantista2
Music by Faktor
Faktor – Nyár
Faktor – Invázió