Arthur Ribeiro – Vento Bravo

‘Two years have passed since our 1500 project. Time passes very quickly.
Here we are with another one. Sharing moments between sessions with Arthur Ribeiro are what made me want to take the camera out again and get busy. I believe we started filming this one in January 2022. Once again, we recorded about 90 percent of it in Goiânia, with just a few clips shot on a trip we took to Brasilia where he lives.
‘Vento Bravo’ is the time of change, of hope, of overcoming the oppression of slavery and authoritarianism. It blows as we come together to build the kingdom of freedom on Earth. And it will blow again, strengthening those who fight for justice and dignity. Wind, gale, blows hard, knocks over, and disturbs. After it passes, it leaves hope in the lull. The song Vento Bravo was written during the ‘Years of Lead‘, between 1968 and 1974. This was the deadliest period of the military dictatorship in Brazil, but it was also the period of greatest resistance against it. Through music, in the countryside and in the cities, we’d sing our desire for freedom. Many were suffocated and killed, but they live on in our memory and in history. Zumbi, Luiz Gama, Marighella and Raoni are Brazilians who noticed the arrival of ‘Vento Bravo’ and fought for the hope of a better world. These are names that have left their mark on history, alive in the present.

– Ademar Badê