Sensi Skateboards presents ‘Still’ with Magnus and Gunes
Just look at that thumbnail! Right when you thought you didn’t need another board company Magnus and his explosive pop shows up on your screen with some typically Cardona-esque shapes and an outrageous ’90s breakdance competition fit to feed you the injection of Scandinavian hype you didn’t know you needed. In a culture where flooding the internet with daily throwaway clips has become the norm it’s easy to jump to the conclusion that someone has fallen off when you don’t see anything from them for a little bit, especially when the last thing they put out was a selfie-filmed part during Corona (as soothing as it was) but no, it turns out some people still abide by the old less his more motto, and our Norwegian powerhouse had actually been stacking away and racking his brain with Gunes (the second half of Sensi) to deliver their first promo for the brand: Still.
Drawing inspiration from the natural beauty of their regions as well as some of their shared musical influences, this breath of fresh air is everything we could have dreamed of from the pair, and more. Think a mix between some of the most free flowing skateboarding you’ll ever witness – with mid-line canine interventions and rollouts that make you wonder if something is trying to be communicated to us through miming – and lots and lots of absurdly technical ledge finesse. Imagine trying to nollie inward into a backside 5-0 180, FROM THE SIDE?! This one is definitely going to be on heavy rotation at the office all week.