Cut to an all-Brazilian soundtrack referencing various aspects of the crew’s journey – with songs touching on everything from life in their hometown of Ribeirão Preto, to the caminhos de pedra (stoned paths) on which they honed their skills, to the Portuguese massacre of indigenous populations that came with the ‘discovery’ of Brazil (a few of the lads are now based in Lisbon…) – MKDBOARD is a testament to MKD Skateshop‘s 10 years of hard work building up their scene.
Amongst the usual CPTMAFIA affiliated suspects you’ll find Free favourites Lucas Marques and Leo Favaro, but also lots of silky-smooth Tallys Junior, some typically clinical tech from OG Rodrigo de Souza, and footage of anyone else, old or young, who played a role in shaping the shop’s international ascension over the years, whether it’s from behind the counter or in the trenches stacking with Leonardo Beazotto. Look forward to seeing what the next 10 bring!
Click through the gallery below for memories from the various filming missions courtesy of Leo, Murilo Pia and Gabriel Romero.
Thumbnail image by Gerard Riera.