Deep Dish – Terminal

Mark Dunning always does a brilliant job of capturing Chicago’s Gotham City-esque, dystopian atmosphere and this 8th Deep Dish offering is no exception. What is slightly different about this one though is just how anchored it is in these ‘dark times’, and how he’s managed to convey the very special energy a lot of us have been experiencing in our respective scenes over the course of this past year. Chase and its surroundings look nothing like St. Paul’s but watching this immerses you in that same slightly spooky feeling of excitement you get from skating up to the cathedral on a winter Sunday, the streets of one of the busiest parts of London almost completely deserted other than a few small crews dotted around the various corners of the spot. But it’s not just this beautifully eerie ambience that’s a product of the pandemic, it’s the actual video itself. We wouldn’t even be watching this if Mark hadn’t decided to head back to Chicago for ‘a couple of weeks’ last March (he’s still there now) when the Covid started sweeping through NYC… It’s him being back in town, reunited with this tight group of friends, combined with the underlying uncertainty that seemingly surrounds everything other than skateboarding these days that sparked something truly magical. And they carried that with them all the way through to their drive through premiere 🙂

Featuring: Steffen Watts, Deric Esparza, Dustin Eggeling, Sean Cullen, CJ Kelly, Dom Chiodo, Mason Barnard, Brett Weinstein and Brian Scherer.

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