As you can probably tell by Eniz recently landing his 4th(!) cover of the mag, or by how we tend to obsess over anything Tobbe Tiusanen touches: we have a bit of a soft spot for Helsinki’s scene and its main protagonists. The primary reason of course being just how many unbelievable skateboarding specimens it produces – think Simo, Eetu, Olli, Marcelle, Aatsi… It’s relentless! Every year it feels like someone insanely talented and completely unique pops out of that city and gets the whole of Europe (and beyond) talking. And obviously, the fact that they have tons of banging, photogenic spots plays a part in this, as does having dedicated filmers… A decent indoor park so they can train up in the winter probably doesn’t hurt either… But behind the scenes, the ones really feeding that passion and nurturing the magic are the core, skater-owned shops. They’re the ones keeping the scene healthy, constantly injecting energy into sessions with video projects and making sure the Tommi Björks of this world don’t go unnoticed, and as I hope you can tell from the above, as far as S.O.Ss go, MFT is as legit as they get!
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Thumbnail image by Justus Hirvi.